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We Keep Top Notch Materials

Highest quality materials provide highest quality products

가상현실 의료 교육
VR clinic skill training contents

HAIO ; Hospital All In One

ER School은 심폐소생술에 따른 자동심장충격기(AED) 사용법과 흉부압박법 실기법을
가상현실을 통해 비대면으로 실습하는 체험형 콘텐츠입니다.

ER School is an experienced content for practicing non-face-to-face through virtual reality on the method of using the automated external defibrillator (AED) according to the CPR, and the actual technique of chest compression method.

가상현실 응급구조 교육
VR emergency rescue training contents


ER School은 심폐소생술에 따른 자동심장충격기(AED) 사용법과 흉부압박법 실기법을
가상현실을 통해 비대면으로 실습하는 체험형 콘텐츠입니다.

ER School is an experienced content for practicing non-face-to-face through virtual reality on the method of using the automated external defibrillator (AED) according to the CPR, and the actual technique of chest compression method.

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